Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Life, as told by a fortune cookie

Three weeks ago, I graduated from college. It still hasn’t totally sunk in that I’m no longer a student, and it doesn’t help that I’m still living in the same city, in the same apartment, just a few blocks from campus. However, this stage of my life is filled with the most change I’ve experienced since I came to college.

In about three and a half months, I will be starting my time with Mission Year, an incredible one-year ministry program for young adults [learn more about it here]. I committed to the program almost 6 months ago, and that time has flown by. It’s so hard to believe that in such a short time I will be moving about 1400 miles away from my current home in Pittsburgh, PA to Houston, Texas. During my time in Houston, I will be learning about what it means to love God and love people through living in community with other MY team members, getting to know my neighbors, and serving in the neighborhood. I am beyond excited for this adventure and new chapter in my life!

However, I’ve never been very good at change. I tend to resist it, pretty much at all costs. Several months ago, my best friend and I had a conversation that served as a major catalyst for many things in my life to begin changing, including my ability to define myself by my status as God’s beloved. That night, we picked up some Chinese takeout for dinner, and as I was wrestling with all of the exciting and painful things we were discussing, I unwrapped the fortune cookie I got with my food. Normally, I only read them so that I can make fun of the silly (and often pointless) little messages. However, this one was about to speak some serious truth into my life. It read:

“Welcome change.”

It might seem a little far-fetched, but I truly believe that that little fortune cookie’s message was God splashing water in my face, telling me that even though it can be painful, with change comes incredible growth and opportunity to love. That the changes that were staring me in the face needed to be embraced and welcomed into my life, not pushed away.

Once again, I am facing changes that seem incredibly scary. I feel a little like I’m jumping off a cliff with no idea how far down I’ll fall or what’s at the bottom. But, God has shown me that when I welcome change (or, at the very least, don’t fight it tooth and nail), amazing things happen and He remains faithful. So, during this season of intense change, and throughout the next year as I encounter countless new and scary experiences, I want to try my best to welcome the changes that God brings into my life, and consider them blessings.